HCST’s Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) solutions are far more than just “backups”. Partnering with Datto, HCST provides a full range of solutions for providing on-site and cloud-based backups for your data, and fast restore or virtualisation of your critical business data.

HCST’s Datto backup solutions provide an on-premises backup appliance that synchronizes your covered systems (bare-metal or virtual) to the backup appliance using Datto’s unique “Inverse Chain Technology”. Backups are performed on a periodic basis (generally daily, but can be as frequent as several times per hour), and allowing data to be recovered to restore points going back in time.
The Datto backups have the option to also synchronize all backups to Datto’s Cloud data centers as well.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
So why is Datto’s solution different than other traditional backup solutions? The combination of the on-premises backup appliance, and cloud-enabled replication provides the ability for your business to QUICKLY (we’re talking minutes or hours, as opposed to days or weeks) recover from a variety of disasters.
Hardware Failure
Hardware blow-up? CPU Fail? Motherboard power supply dies? Great, now your server (or servers, if it’s a Virtual Host) is/are down until you can get hardware replacements. With the Datto solution, you can be back up and running in minutes. From the time HCST is notified of (or our Network Management Systems detect, if you are a managed services client), you can be back up and operational within minutes in most cases. The Datto technology allows us to “spin-up” your server virtualized right on your on-premises backup appliance! You are back up and running from the most recent backup, without having to go through a lengthy restore process!
Datto’s Inverse Chain Technology builds a complete image of your entire system with each incremental backup, thus allowing the system to be immediately activated on the backup device, including the same IP addresses, etc.
Natural Catastrophe
We know we can recover from a local hardware failure, but what happens if your entire physical site is unuseable? Recent hurricanes in North Carolina are a perfect example of this. How do those companies continue to operate business critical functions if their physical site is gone, or unuseable? Datto’s cloud backup provides the same degree of Business Continuity as does the local appliance. In this case, your server(s) are “spun-up” in the cloud-virtualized environment. You are provided remote VPN access to your systems, and thus back in business.
Ransomware Protection
Datto provides protection from massive ransomware attacks as well. Utilizing the same backup infrastructure, you can recover all your documents and files that are being held hostage by recovering them from the on-premises or cloud backups. Either individual files or entire systems can be restored, thus protecting you from the affects of a ransomware attack.
For more information
For more information on Datto solutions, complete the form below and one of our experts will contact you as quickly as possible!