Cyber Security Scan and Vulnerability Assessment

Business IT Services

In a world filled with crippling cyberattacks and sophisticated hackers, your success depends on solid cybersecurity.

Consider this:

  • Cybercrime is projected to grow 15% over the next two years.
  • The cost of cybercrime has reached $8 trillion annually.
  • 422 million individuals were impacted by cybercrime in 2022.
  • Nearly 33 billion accounts will be breached this year.
  • More than 2,300 cybercrimes occur every day in the US.

Even if you have the best firewall, deploy EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) software on all your workstations and servers, use intelligent web filtering, and educate your users on Cyber Awareness, have you really assessed your footprint to make sure you aren’t vulnerable to outside or inside threats?

HCST has teamed up with a Cyber Security Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment firm — Galactic Advisors — to provide this service to our clients. They are truly the experts, and by using an independent, 3rd party service specializing in this service, we are assured we can provide the best analysis for our clients.

How does this work?

HCST has the unique opportunity to provide a limited number of reasonably-priced assessments every month. We can do this for qualified companies or organizations on a one-time initial assessment based on the view from outside your network, and from a few (2-3) inside workstations to analyze your internal visibility.


Please fill out the form below and we’ll reply further to you. With a limited availability, we’ll be happy to discuss how we can best help you!

Cyber Scan
Just a few more quick questions. Does your organization handle or store any of the following types of information?